Wednesday, August 19, 2009


I got in another package a few days ago from Patty, a baker from Brooklyn. Patty has been baking for a long time, ever since she was a little girl, but started up her business as part of a dream she and her husband had, and in the wake of his death, worked and worked and now sells her cookies to all!

Patty sent me a selection of her three top cookies- peanut butter, double chip, which is a chocolate chip and potato chip cookie, and cowboy cookie, with chocolate chips, raisins, oatmeal, and coconut.

The cookies were fresh from a recent Irish festival she'd participated in, and were tied with a pretty green bow on top. Each pack of cookies held two, and they're of a good size, so it was more than enough for me!

I tried the double chip cookie first. It was a little crunchier than I would have liked, but was good. This was an interesting experience for me. I've never tried a cookie with potato chips before, and it was a nice and salty, if slightly bland, flavor. The texture of the potato chips was interesting, too. Again, definitely something I'd try again.

6/10- GOOD

The next cookie was a peanut butter cookie. Now, I love a good peanut butter cookie, and the addition of granulated sugar just makes it even better. The cookie was crumbly, and quite tasty. I generally prefer a more complex and differentiated peanut butter cookie, but this was a good and simple recipe. Reminisces of molasses and a sweet, burnt nut flavor were present. A good cookie.

6/10- TASTY

The last cookie I was sent was the famous Cowboy cookie, with coconut, oatmeal, chocolate, and raisins. I don't like raisins in cookies or anywhere, quite frankly, but there weren't enough raisins in these cookies to bother me, per se. The bottom of the cookie was nice and crisp, and the coconut had toasted a little and added some moisture to the cookie's overall texture.

The chocolate chips and oatmeal also added a unique texture to the cookie, creating a rather interesting creamy flavor and mouthfeel. I liked this cookie, but felt that it could have been a little softer. That being said, though, the ingredients were all top notch.

8/10- MMMM!

Patty Bakes Cookies

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