Aaaaaand, another treat to fit in the microfridge. This time it's something slightly different from the less healthy treats I've been serving up. This is one of the Smart Ones desserts. Deviating from the standard microwave meals, SO makes a dessert that's actually pretty good.

My personal favorite is the chocolate chip cookie dough sundae, though I have a few others to report on, too. The sundae consists of a cookie crust and something called cookie-flavored ice cream, topped with cookie dough bits and chocolate sauce.
The portion is perfect for me. It's small and easy to shove in a tiny fridge, and I find that larger sundaes are a little overwhelming and sometimes become a pain to finish once you cross the ice cream headache threshold and can no longer muster up the energy to stick your tongue to the roof of your mouth. These are nice and easy to eat while watching Dancing with the Stars or something and need only time to thaw slightly.

The cookie flavored ice cream is a lame pretense. This is vanilla soft serve, trust me. But it's good vanilla soft serve in that it melts nicely, isn't unevenly thawed and covered in ice crystals, and is creamy for a low calorie indulgence. And the creaminess of this provides an excellent counterpart to the cookie crust, which surprisingly doesn't get mushy amidst all the dairy ingredients. It's not graham cracker consistency, but it's enough to provide a difference in texture. It's tasty, too.
The predominant flavor in the sundae is the chocolate sauce, which unfortunately resembles Hershey's artificial flavor and not actual hot fudge. This is okay, though, because then you get to the cookie dough bites. God, there are like, thirty thousand...okay, like, fifteen of the perfect things there. It's actual cookie dough, too. Honest to God cookie dough and that really makes this sundae. It gives the dessert a wonderful and sandy texture and really makes it feel like you're eating a nice sundae. A very big success.
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