Monday, June 18, 2007


Can you believe that I’ve had bags of potato chips (crisps) and other savory snacks from my trip to the UK last summer in my pantry for almost an entire year? I’m envious of all the curry snacks over there and simply adore them. I meant to get around to sampling and reviewing the various bags of curry flavored snacks from the UK that we silly Americans don’t have, but didn't.

While I have no willpower with sweets and desserts, I do have willpower with chips, nuts, and other savory snacks. I don’t purchase chips and can stare down a basket of tortilla chips without flinching. It’s not that I don’t like chips; I like them all right. It’s that I know they’re bad for you and, if given the choice between fried salty sin and buttery sweet sin, I would rather ruin myself with dessert. When I do eat chips – mostly at parties – I prefer bbq or some other flavor punch like Cool Ranch Doritos. Absolutely addictive!

I realized I had forgotten to blog about the chips from the UK a little too late to be relevant to my trip. I put it off. I put it off some more. I forgot about them. What is in that bag? Oh, chips from last summer. Well, now it’s about a week shy of being a full year from my UK vacation, so I decided to open the bags. As stupid as the passing of a year is for a reason to get around to something, I guess the stupid excuse did get me to open the bags and give ‘em the ol’ chew and review.

Walker's Sensations Gently Infused Lime and Thai Spices - These potato chips were my favorite. I suppressed my chip willpower and ate the whole bag. Tangy lime hits the tongue first, and a truly gently Thai curry flavor lingers.

Walker's Sensations Vintage Cheddar and Red Onion Chutney - Not a curry, but I have love for red onion chutney, so this one's slipping in. The initial scent and flavor is similar to Cheddar Ruffles, but more subtle and, due to the onion flavors, more complex. This one was my second favorite (First and second favorites where actual fried potato chips, which probably figured in their high ranking, but the flavors were the best overall, too.)

Kettle Crispy Bakes Korma (Coconut, Ginger, and Coriander) - These hollow crips are baked and made with a large percentage of lentil flour (very Indian!). The texture was that baked, puffed texture you get with other snacks that are so much better when fried, but you put up with to reign in the ass. The coriander seasoning stood out, and, as I chewed, the back of my mouth tasted like a balanced curry.

Ryvita Sweet Chili Minis - These were essentially rye crackers, again, with a puffy, airy texture. The initial taste is tangy and sweet, sort of like bbq sauce, but oddly not quite so. A slight heat was noticeable a little later. These were my least favorite, and not because of the rye; the rye was not perceptible. The initial sweet taste was just odd.

Waitrose Red Thai Curry Flavor Crunchy Coated Peanuts - If you like chips and you like nuts, stay clear of crunchy coated peanuts and avert a bad food habit - you will eat nothing else but these snacks. I discovered these things years ago in Asian Markets, ate a bag, enjoyed the hell out of it, disowned them, and never looked back. Super addictive! These in particular had a pleasant, mild curry flavor that was coconut forward.

Now all these bags are open, and I have to eat them. Oh, the torture. Maybe it's a good thing the US doesn't have curry chips; I don't have to be tempted.

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