Sunday, April 9, 2006

Cleaning Out The Fridge

When you're moving you start thinking about downscaling. Food in your kitchen cabinets and freezer that has been in there for quite some time has got to go.

You may have been waiting for the right occasion or just unsure what to do with that interesting package you picked up at the market. Case in point with the tofu skin sheets that have been hibernating out the winter in the freezer. They had to go!

After scratching our head about what to do with the sheets, we pulled the package out and finally put it to good use by making tofu rolls. Tofu rolls are basically an eggroll. This whole wrapping of fillings is a universal food theme - eggrolls, ravioli, pierogies, empanadas, pasties, etc.

We started by thawing the sheets in warm water. Then filled rectangular tofu sheet with a mixture of cooked mushrooms, onions,carrots, and tvp. We steamed the rolls for about 10 minutes before browning the rolls in a pan with a few tablespoons of oil.

We gave it the double whammy when we cooked it, but there are recipes for both steamed tofu rolls and fried tofu rolls, so take your pick.

Verdict: Not bad! Just like an eggroll, but with a chewier skin. Wrapping our rolls tighter would have kept the filling in better and made handling while eating less cumbersome.

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