Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Kosher For Passover Coke - Sweet!

The bulletin that Coca-Cola makes a limited batch of Coke with sucrose (real sugar) available once a year during Passover comes as news to me. Apparently, people go ape-shit this time of year, and stock up on Coke made the original way – before Coca-Cola replaced expensive sugar cane with cheap high fructose corn syrup in the mid '80's. Nostalgia and a better tasting product are people’s reasons for searching out bottles of Coke distinguished by yellow caps printed with the OU-P symbol.

I rarely drink carbonated beverages, or Coke (except bourbon and Coke at bars), but I thought I’d give it a try. This is going to sound like a fib, but, with the first sip, I was instantly reminded of fetching colas from my granddad’s garage, and sharing a cola with him when I was a child. It tastes just like that! There’s definitely something softer, and less harsh about Coke made with real sugar.

In my parts, I’ve only seen 2-liter bottles of OU-P Coke – and Sprite! (Pepsi fans, don’t fear; look for Pepsi with KP on the cap.) I wish smaller sizes of OU-P Coke were more readily available, because I’ll never drink a 2-liter bottle before it goes flat. However, I would stock up on smaller cans of Coke made with sugar once a year to make mixed drink.

The official OU website lists what sizes of OU-P Cokes are available, and in what cities. Large metropolitan areas with large populations of Jews are the target distribution areas. My city is not listed, but I found some; just keep an eye out for yellow caps with the OU-P symbol.

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