Fizzies label themselves as "effervescent" tablets. I don't know if that means they're one molecule away from being ecstasy, like how margarine is one molecule away from being plastic or some shit, or if they're just inexplicably flamboyant. Either way, they look like giant horse pills, the rectal kind, or Alka Seltzer, and come in wrappers that make them easily mistakable for condoms. Yummy.

Anyhoo, Fizzard the Wizard tells me some magic spell that makes it root beer. I have a sneaking feeling the spell is "sodium bicarbonate," but who am I to judge? And I'll be damned, it fizzes and starts turning the color urine, first healthy pee, and then infected, bender at an opium den, haven't had a drink in days, urine. We'll find out if it turns into root beer. Boy, Fizzard, you are magic. And also addicted to Fizzies, apparently, to the point of anonymous cock-sucking dependency for a fix. On the FAQ page, it asks, "Is it possible to get addicted to Fizzies?" to which Fizzard replies, "No, Fizzies are not habit-forming, unless you're a wizard like me." Yeah, like a crack wizard. Shit, man!

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